viernes, 21 de septiembre de 2012

Dragones y Mazmorras - capítulo 1

¡Qué sería este blog si no le dedicara una entrada a la serie que le da nombre!

Dragones y Mazmorras fue la serie preferida de mi infancia. Me fascinaban los objetos mágicos que tenían, la magia que podían hacer, Uni y sus poderes - tener un unicornio como mascota y poder teletransportarte con él -, el mundo fantástico y todos sus peculiares mundos y habitantes distintos en cada capítulo. Era un sinfín de aventuras, y yo siempre esperaba que al final del capítulo consiguieran volver a su casa. Quería ver cómo era su mundo, el mundo real. ¡Quería ver cómo eran sus casas y sus familias! La intriga de si volverían a su casa o no hacía que mirara cada capítulo con más ganas aún, aparte de la emoción de ver qué pasaba en el episodio, qué nuevas aventuras les deparaban y qué nuevos personajes aparecían. De hecho, con mi mejor amiga nos inventamos un juego en el que éramos unas niñas perdidas como ellos en un mundo fantástico, y corríamos aventuras parecidas a las suyas.

De izquierda a derecha: Sheila, Diana, Erik,
Presto y Hank. Debajo: Bobby y Uni

Todo comienza un buen día cuando Sheila y sus amigos Diana, Presto, Hank y Erik van al parque de atracciones. Sheila lleva a su hermano pequeño Bobby con ellos. Al subir a la atracción de Calabozos y Dragones una espiral en el tiempo los absorbe y aparecen en el mundo fantástico, que dice la canción. Caen desde el cielo y, ya en el primer instante, aparece Tiamat, un peligroso dragón de cinco cabezas persiguiendo a Uni, una cría de unicornio, que va corriendo a refugiarse en los brazos de Bobby. En esos instantes, aparece el Amo del Calabozo, su guía y mentor, que les da "poderes a todos" dándoles armas para poder defenderse en tan peligroso mundo.

De pequeña pensaba que existiría un primer capítulo en el que se podía ver todo esto que acabo de contaros, que se puede ver en la introducción en cada capítulo, y que me lo habría perdido. ¡Pero no existe tal capítulo! Ya desde el primer episodio la historia se narra como si ya llevaran varios meses en dicho mundo.


Mientras tanto, os dejo un artículo que me ha hecho reír un montón. Es uno de los mejores artículos que he leído en un blog:

Which Game & Watch are fun? (1) Today's handheld is... Dungeons & Dragons by Mattel

Well, well... Which Game & Watch are fun and which aren't? Which should I get? That's what I find myself wondering when browsing through the web looking at the handheld websites you can find through the net. There are many that seem fun by the title or the picture, but as far as I have collected a few I've come to realize that most may be boring, too simple. It's true that its technology is simple, so we cannot ask for miracles, but it's also true that when I was a child they were super fun. So I'm trying to find out if the only handhelds I find to be fun are the ones I still own from when I was a kid due to having played with them back then and being attached to them, or if there are others I've never played too yet which can be fun too.

So I thought "Why not making my own reviews?". So I have decided to start a review section about the handheld I own and for people who want to collaborate writing their own review of the LCD games they own and that they like - or dislike, for the matter - so that we can get an idea of which games are worther buying and which we would rather skip because their are dull.

One of the reasons why this idea hit my mind is because I got the feeling that many of these games are rather overpriced and you may get to spend a lot of money for it thinking that that game is great and once you get it you realize it's not worth having paid that much even if among collectors it's overvalued due to it being rare or whatever other reason.

Looking at youtube for someone reviewing the game or showing a video playing it, or looking for a handheld simulator site is a good option, but for some reason I like reading reviews too, and I have barely found a few comments in some websites about how much they like a few games. Most sites only have a picture and that's it. So I will try to review some handhelds!

So today I will start with "Dungeons and Dragons" handheld by Mattel.

Review: Dungeons and Dragons by Mattel

This might be the reason why this idea started to grow in my mind.
My favourite cartoon is "Dungeons and Dragons" and I like handhelds, so when I discovered there was this game I had to buy it to play it! That's how my eagerness to collect handhelds started.

So I decided to look for it and I found a cheap one. I knew it wasn't gonna be a game about the cartoon, but about the rol game. Anyway, I was curious to play it! So when I got it I started playing but I was kinda clueless about how to play. Recently I saw a great review on youtube by Mamecade about it and I discovered how to play!

It turns out that this game is completely random. You're inside a maze and you never know where the danger is gonna be. If you press the wrong direction, there's no way you can go back to where you were. You just fall down a pit, or something and get killed so you have to start again. In this game is not your ability what counts but pure luck or intuition... So that's not fun to me, since I find it kinda silly trying playing a game that you don't have any control over winning.

Finally, the background has no images in contrast with most other games, so it increases its dullness. I've got to say that not everyone thinks as me, as the guy on the video link on youtube above. There's people who actually think it's really fun.
Anyway, I still like the idea of playing it from time to time because it feels a little as watching the episode of Dungeons and Dragons where the kids get trapped inside a maze.

Difficulty: 10
Fun: 3
Repetitivity: 10
Thoughts: I wish it was a great game since it's the only LCD game I know about D&D.

Repetitivity: All hanhelds, due to its primitive techology get quite repetitive after a while, but there're some which are more repetitive than others.